A Return to My Old Chomping Grounds

Hello!  I’m back.

As a quick recap… 2013 was the year I attempted to eat a new food a week for fifty-two weeks and write wittily and insightfully about the experience.

In a nutshell, I failed.  I only ate twenty-eight virgin foodstuffs and I was probably only witty or insightful about three times.  If you wish to revisit any of my culinary ‘adventures’, feel free to have a click around somewhere to the left of here.

This way to my personal history of food firsts...

This way to my personal history of food firsts…

When I started the year, I had visions of eating an array of exciting things – like monkey brain and camel testicles – but pretty much ended up shoving a different exotic fruit into my mouth-hole every other week.

In my defence, have you ever tried to buy the contents of a simian noggin or dromedary gonad in your local Tesco?  They just never seem to have them in stock.

Time to dig out the old list?

Time to dig out the old list?

To distract myself from the disappointment of my foodal failure, I spent the entirety of 2014 attempting to spot as many species of bird as possible – whilst trying (and failing) to report my progress in a witty and insightful manner (Are you noticing a theme?).  If you are intrigued as to what went on in my life last year, click here.

If I’m honest, I couldn’t think of a new challenge for 2015, so I will sporadically return here with news of new food ingestions in – yep, you’ve guessed it – an attempted witty and insightful manner.

Now where did I put that South-East Asian fruit?

I bet you can’t wait!

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